Aujourd'hui c'est le

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Landmarks in MLPS in Scotland

1989 Ministerial announcement by Michael Forsyth, Secretary of State for Scotland (pre Holyrood) that ML is taught in P6 and P7, part of SED circular 1178

1993 27 day training starts - huge amount of course material - lots of money for this direct from government, ie ring-fenced.

1993 First 5-14 guidelines for ML (blue and white cover) - mainly for secondary

1997 Advice for schools booklet to address primary language teaching, topics etc

1999 Ministerial Action Group set up chaired by John Mulgrew

2000 Report of the above entitled Citizens of a Multilingual World Report with 14 recommendations regarding
training - in ITE and ongoing support,
start no later than p6
500 hours of "entitlement" in the same language,
diversification into another language,
access to native speakers and ICT for "real" relevant content,
lifelong language learning

2000 revised 5-14 guidelines (orange cover) more writing, assessment of MLPS in schools by 2001

2001 government response to the Citizens of a Multilingual World report, accepting them and releasing lots of funding

2002 EU summit @Barcelona, 15-16 March 2002. Tony Blair agreed to this. Paras 43 and 44
to improve the mastery of basic skills, in particular by teaching at least two foreign languages from a very early age:

2003 end of 27 day training. Training is now in the hands of LAs and Colleges of Education.

2005 Progress in addressing the recommendations of CMW, 23 March 2005
gives data about the % of primary pupils getting enough ML, can be compared to Dan Tierney's later findings
refers to the Aberdeen Partial Immersion programme at Walker Road Primary

2007 draft CfE outcomes for ML

2008 Daniel Tierney of Uni Strathclyde's study, see press articles and video conference

2009 Improving Scottish Education Update January 2009

2009 final CfE outcomes for ML

Only 2 showing for Modern Languages
Developing the four capacities through modern languages: focusing on successful learners in primary schools 22/08/2008 pdf|html
Modern Languages - A portrait of current practice in Scottish schools 06/02/2007 pdf

but also found (using HMIE search engine)
Effective Learning and Teaching: Languages
This report on modern languages is the first of a series that will encapsulate the features which contribute to effective learning and teaching in specific subjects in secondary schools. It derives from the inspection of some 180 schools and from the monitoring and evaluation of developments in the teaching of modern languages over the last 6 years. (Date?)

2011 current situation - money is short, training courses fewer, less diversification rather than more, foreign language assistants (FLAs) are cut, university departments are threatened

Main issues
training of teachers
what is to be taught - more skills, more "real", less lists of words
liaison with secondary - for continuity
assessment - pupils need to have achieved something after at least 2 years at primary

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