Aujourd'hui c'est le

Monday, 31 January 2011

Ce que j'aime

New voki for education launched 1st February - newletter here

J’aime faire des randonnées avec mon mari. J’aime regarder les oiseaux et les animaux pendant les randonnées. Je ne suis pas sportive mais j’aime la natation et en été je sors en vélo. Le passé m’intéresse et j’aime visiter les musées et les châteaux. J’aime sortir au restaurant avec ma famille.

Et de temps en temps je retrouve mes amis pour le déjeuner ou une visite au cinéma. J’aime voyager. Les endroits que j’aime le plus sont les Hébrides, la Cornouaille, le sud de la France et la Moselle en Allemagne. Je voudrais visiter l’Alaska un jour. Ma passion est rechercher mes ancêtres. J’ai cinq mille personnes dans mon arbre généalogique dans tous les coins du monde.

Monday, 24 January 2011

Wed 26 January

Mary intro - merci!

nasal ON
H/W raps etc

songs: flocon papillon and j'ai un nom see post for 19 Jan.



-ille see blogpost

alphabet spelling game - updated files uploaded to GLOW group in Documents

GLOW Group


Introduction to presentation of vocabulary with flashcards

old QUIA exercises

QUIZLET word flashcards for colours


Talking about your likes

some examples
Bastian scroll down to Hobbies

nasal IN - to do

culture: film clip être et avoir - to do

write about what you like to do
post as a document on GLOW in HOMEWORK folder or in Comments here
a volunteer for intro Caroline and to present some new voc Mary. Merci.

Sunday, 23 January 2011

mon ma mes dustbin game

Click on proceed to start play. Drag the family member to the right dustbin

Click here for larger version

Friday, 21 January 2011

Family sentences review

I have been reflecting on the sentence building activity and will upload a modified version of the words and notes to our new GLOW group.

A couple of additional things
new words le mari the husband and la femme the wife (also the word for woman)
to say my mother and father you have to repeat the my in front of father as it is a different word in French so ma mère et mon père
and you need to repeat the de in front of second noun in
le frère de Lisa et de Maggie for Lisa and Maggie's brother

Meanwhile test yourself with these phrases and sentences. You don't need to write them out unless you really want to. Just do them in your head. The answers are in the comments mais ne trichez pas!

USING mon /ma/mes
my mother
my brother
my uncle
my husband
my wife
my children
my aunt and uncle
my mother and father

my mother is called Marge
my brother is Bart
my children are called Bart, Lisa and Maggie
Homer and Marge are my parents
Marge is my wife
my husband is called Homer
my sisters are Lisa and Maggie
my baby is called Maggie

Lisa’s brother
Maggie’s mother
Bart’s parents
Marge’s baby
Homer’s son and daughters

Bart is the son of Homer and Marge
Lisa and Maggie are Bart’s sisters
Marge’s children are called Bart Lisa and Maggie

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Wed 19 January - updated

Starter by Maureen - Merci à toi Maureen
H/w family
More for starting lesson
entrez! come/go in
Rangez-vous à la porte line up at the door
les uns derrière les autres one behind the other
deux par deux in twos
mettez-vous ici stand here

more on Family
more on nouns gender, articles, possession ( all you need to know about)

sentence building - active learning
Go over the words used first
Give each table a set of (colour coded) words on cards
Start by asking the pupils to sort the words into groups to make it easier to pick them out. Allow them to discuss how to do this.
Let them build short sentences or phrases themselves. Ask them to read them aloud.
Give them a sentence in English. They discuss & make it on the table.
Ask a table to read out the answer or they could hold it up. Other tables check. Discuss any mistakes.
Ask them to make up 3 good sentences of their choice and set them out. Then copy them into their jotters.
Challenge them to make a really long sentence. 1 points per word, minus points for any mistakes.

Pronunciation - nasal vowels [õ] on - see blogpost
Practise with minicards (click here to download) and make a collection eg on a list, a poster or Wallwisher
Worksheet from La petite souris (LPS) a site for French teachers teaching French to their pupils.

1 Add some -0n nasal words to Wallwisher
2 Invent a silly sentence or a rhyme or a rap or a song using -0n nasal words

Meanwhile here is a nice wee song from La Maternelle de Moustache to inspire you
J'ai un nom, un prénom I've a name, a first name
deux yeux 2 eyes
un nez a nose
un menton a chin
Dis-moi vite ton prénom tell me quickly your first name
Pour continuer la chanson. to keep the song going
Tu t'appelles ............................ (child says his name)
Bonjour ....................... (class sings his name)
Back to the start

J'ai un nom
Click letter J then on "air de comptine" and then "CHANT" to hear the song sung (OR JUST CLICK HERE) We would need to slow it down - it is meant for French children.

and another lovely song popped into my head after not hearing it for about 40 years Flocon papillon about snow
and it's nice and slow!
I've posted it here

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Wed 12 January

La fête des rois
the feast of the Kings or Epiphany, is celebrated in French homes throughout January.

A cake - la galette - made of puff pastry and almond frangipane contains a figurine called une fève, a bean. Whoever gets the piece with the fève is king for the day, wears a crown and chooses a queen.

Nowadays you can buy the cake complete with crown and fève in bakers' shops.
In the interest of fair play, the youngest child sits under the table as mother cuts the cake and says who each piece is for.
C'est à qui? Whose is it?
C'est à papa. It's dad's.
C'est à Tata Marie. It's for auntie Mary.
C'est à moi. It's mine.

le roi - the king
la reine - the queen
la galette - the cake
la fève - the bean
la couronne - the crown


J'aime la galette
Savez-vous comment?
Quand elle est bien faite
Avec du beurre dedans
Tra la la la la la lère etc

I love the kings' cake
do you know when?
when it is well made
with butter inside
tra la etc

to settle the children
to get them into the French "zone"
to get them started as soon as possible

Suggestions - will depend on your situation - is it your own class or are you "dropping in"?
a challenge, a puzzle eg 5 a day or some jumbled words
a video clip - culture, they hear some French and see some French or French speaking people
a song - or a haka - Mark Purves has an interesting blog post here
a routine - a scripted conversation, how are you, register, weather and date, bit of revision or
a prayer

La famille

intro BBC video clip 560 Bellow family

vocab p 15 of your booklet
also with audio on blog
possessive adjectives
download Simpsons powerpoint
download Happy Families cards

Mes résolutions

Voici mes résolutions pour l'année 2011

Cette année je vais perdre du poids et manger plus sain. Je vais boire moins de vin et plus d'eau. Je vais manger moins de chocolat et de fromage et plus de fruits.

Je vais essayer de prendre plus d'exercice et de passer moins de temps devant l'ordinateur.

Et vous? Quelles sont vos résolutions?

Write in "post a comment" or on paper if you prefer.

Use aller + infinitive for I am going to eg je vais manger

animated text at top created with

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

First class of 2011 - Wed 12 January

Apologies to those who joined the class recently that I didn't tell you when the next class was.