Aujourd'hui c'est le

Friday, 21 January 2011

Family sentences review

I have been reflecting on the sentence building activity and will upload a modified version of the words and notes to our new GLOW group.

A couple of additional things
new words le mari the husband and la femme the wife (also the word for woman)
to say my mother and father you have to repeat the my in front of father as it is a different word in French so ma mère et mon père
and you need to repeat the de in front of second noun in
le frère de Lisa et de Maggie for Lisa and Maggie's brother

Meanwhile test yourself with these phrases and sentences. You don't need to write them out unless you really want to. Just do them in your head. The answers are in the comments mais ne trichez pas!

USING mon /ma/mes
my mother
my brother
my uncle
my husband
my wife
my children
my aunt and uncle
my mother and father

my mother is called Marge
my brother is Bart
my children are called Bart, Lisa and Maggie
Homer and Marge are my parents
Marge is my wife
my husband is called Homer
my sisters are Lisa and Maggie
my baby is called Maggie

Lisa’s brother
Maggie’s mother
Bart’s parents
Marge’s baby
Homer’s son and daughters

Bart is the son of Homer and Marge
Lisa and Maggie are Bart’s sisters
Marge’s children are called Bart Lisa and Maggie

1 comment:

    USING mon /ma/mes
    ma mère my mother
    mon frère my brother
    mon oncle my uncle
    mon mari my husband
    ma femme my wife
    mes enfants my children
    ma tante et mon oncle my aunt and uncle
    ma mère et mon père my mother and father

    ma mère s’appelle Marge my mother is called Marge
    mon frère s’appelle Bart my brother is Bart
    mes enfants s’appellent Bart, Lisa et Maggie my children are called B L M
    Homer et Marge sont mes parents Homer & Marge are my parents
    Marge est ma femme Marge is my wife
    mon mari s’appelle Homer my husband is called Homer
    mes sœurs s’appellent Lisa et Maggie my sisters are Lisa and Maggie
    mon bébé s’appelle Maggie my baby is called Maggie

    le frère de Lisa Lisa’s brother
    la mère de Maggie Maggie’s mother
    les parents de Bart Bart’s parents
    le bébé de Marge Marge’s baby
    le fils et les filles de Homer Homer’s son and daughters

    Bart est le fils de Homer et de Marge Bart is the son of H & M
    Lisa et Maggie sont les sœurs de Bart Lisa & Maggie are B’s sisters
    les enfants de Marge s’appellent B, L et M Marge’s children are called…


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