La fête des rois the feast of the Kings or Epiphany, is celebrated in French homes throughout January.
A cake - la galette - made of puff pastry and almond frangipane contains a figurine called une fève, a bean. Whoever gets the piece with the fève is king for the day, wears a crown and chooses a queen.
Nowadays you can buy the cake complete with crown and fève in bakers' shops.
In the interest of fair play, the youngest child sits under the table as mother cuts the cake and says who each piece is for.
C'est à qui? Whose is it?
C'est à papa. It's dad's.
C'est à Tata Marie. It's for auntie Mary.
C'est à moi. It's mine.
Fête des Rois
View more presentations from Paulo Martins.
le roi - the king
la reine - the queen
la galette - the cake
la fève - the bean
la couronne - the crown
J'aime la galette
Savez-vous comment?
Quand elle est bien faite
Avec du beurre dedans
Tra la la la la la lère etc
I love the kings' cake
do you know when?
when it is well made
with butter inside
tra la etc
to settle the children
to get them into the French "zone"
to get them started as soon as possible
Suggestions - will depend on your situation - is it your own class or are you "dropping in"?
a challenge, a puzzle eg 5 a day or some jumbled words
a video clip - culture, they hear some French and see some French or French speaking people
a song - or a haka - Mark Purves has an interesting blog post here
a routine - a scripted conversation, how are you, register, weather and date, bit of revision or
a prayer
La famille
intro BBC video clip 560 Bellow family
vocab p 15 of your booklet
also with audio on blog
possessive adjectives
download Simpsons powerpoint
downloadHappy Families cards
to settle the children
to get them into the French "zone"
to get them started as soon as possible
Suggestions - will depend on your situation - is it your own class or are you "dropping in"?
a challenge, a puzzle eg 5 a day or some jumbled words
a video clip - culture, they hear some French and see some French or French speaking people
a song - or a haka - Mark Purves has an interesting blog post here
a routine - a scripted conversation, how are you, register, weather and date, bit of revision or
a prayer
La famille
intro BBC video clip 560 Bellow family
vocab p 15 of your booklet
also with audio on blog
possessive adjectives
download Simpsons powerpoint
Je m'appelle Isabel. Dans ma famille il y a quatre personnes c'est-à-dire mon pére, ma mére, ma soeur et moi. Ma soeur s'appelle Marion elle est plus âgée que moi.