Aujourd'hui c'est le

Monday, 21 February 2011

Activities for physical appearance -updated

le prof va deviner!
Thanks to Fiona for the fruit presentation and to Sara and Laura for an impromptu joint effort at the register!

1 Who's who/Guess who - online and low tech
2 Mystery person - online reading
3 create an avatar - online
4 build your wildself - online
5 google docs activity - to do online

For hair and eyes
Play "who's who?" (C'est qui?) in Chez Mimi on a whiteboard. Click on the man in the doorway

Low tech version of the same and questions to ask eliciting oui/non answer only
C’est un adulte / un enfant ?
C’est un homme / une femme ?
C’est un garçon / une fille ?
Il/elle a les yeux bleus/marron/gris?
Il /elle a les cheveux blonds/châtains/roux/gris ?
Il /elle a les cheveux longs/ courts/ frisés/ bouclés/ raides ?
Il est chauve ?
Il/elle porte des lunettes ?
Il/elle porte un chapeau / une casquette / une cravate / une écharpe?
Il a une barbe/des moustaches ?
C’est Magali ?
Use counters to cover the characters which are eliminated. Colour print and laminate a class set. Click to download

Mystery person - read the description

Create an avatar Great idea from Joe Dale

or a strange creature

Google Docs to collect and share information
I found out about googledocs ( from primary teacher Tom Barrett. It is a way of collaborating and sharing information.
I created the spreadsheet then created a form in the form menu. You can email the form or embed it on a site which is what I did below. You can share it for collboration or keep it private.

My google form
Here is a variation of the Simpsons Adjectives Activity on GLOW and it was much quicker to set up

Try it now!

Go back to the spreadsheet to see your contribution

More on googledocs from Tom Barrett
interesting ways to use google docs
and Tom's wonderful blog

Download Celebrity photos to describe

Thursday, 17 February 2011


It is very urgent that the remaining 6 people get their forms in. Registry needs you enrolled before they can bill the authorities and the end of the financial year is fast approaching. Please post off immediately. The photo is not necessary for this, if that is what is holding you up. Registration would normally be done before the start of the course.

BLACKBOARD academic suite
I have logged those for whom I have BOO numbers(your ID) on to blackboard and you will have access to documents relating to the Assignment. I will email you your BOO numbers.
If already on blackboard you may already have a password that is still valid.
Here are the default intrsuctions
Log on to
and follow the Login instructions:
a. Enter your Username - this is your Student-ID (starting with the
letter B and followed by an 8-digit number - the so-called BOO number)
b. Enter your Password - this is your date of birth in 6-digit format e.g:
Click the Login button
You should see the module you are enrolled in "Modern Language in the Primary School programme" On the left panel go to MLPS Module Information

Some of the documents have been there for a few years. I will try to update over the next week.

You need your BOO number to get a library card.

I have just found out that you don't need a photo they do it all digitally. I will try arrange for you to go to Registry to do this at the beginning of class over the next couple of weeks but you need to be in the system!

ATTENDANCE requirement of the course is 80% ie you can miss no more than 4 sessions. Some of you are at that already. Catching up on the blog does not really equate to being there in person. I am aware they are good reasons for non-attendance. We could have an extra session for those who have missed a lot. We can discuss options next week.

Again I am aware that there are often good reasons for lateness. I do try to start promptly at 4 so please try to be there in time.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Wed 15 Feb

Isabel intro and Maureen vocab. Merci à vous deux.

  1. Language Focus - adjectives, description
  2. Background School in France
  3. Intro to essay topics - problems in languages / intercultural aspect (not done due to video refusing to play. Try watching in school or at home)

Handouts - doublesided mat and Mon portrait kids' writing.

1. Adjectives Slideshow from Keynote (and Alessandra's description physique.) see previous post

We highlighted the adjectives in the examples of writing Mon portrait written by French children ( file download ) and read them aloud.
I can use my knowledge about language and pronunciation to ensure that others can understand me when I read aloud or say familiar words, phrases and short texts.
MLAN 2-07b
Vocab from mon portrait
mince - thin
maigre - skinny
coquet (f. -ette)- well turned out, stylish
j'ai des mèches - I have highlights
une houppette - little tuft of hair
je louche - I squint
pas comme les autres - unusual
sauf les épinards - except spinach
je n'aime pas qu'on m'embête - I don't like people annoying me
je rends service - I'm helpful
rigolo (f. -ote) - funny
coquin - mischievous, naughty

writing your own description physique - to be added to writing

2. blogpost and clip from "être et avoir" film

3. Dr Dan Tierney, Strathclyde Uni, on GLOW (we didn't watch this as it wouldn't play but it seems ok)

CPDMeet 21- MLPS, have we got it right? from Con Morris on Vimeo.

Models for MLPS provision:
Encounter model
Language Awareness
Partial Immersion (in Walker Road PS Aberdeen)
Immersion Gaelic medium units
Linguistic competence

positive attitudes
pupil enjoyment
good pronunciation
listening skills - earlier start

gaps in provision - first thing to go
trained teachers move on
pupils arriving at secondary with different experiences
lack of liaison on content coverage - "doing" colours how many, can they spell them?
lack of liaison between secondary and primary colleagues
different languages in different schools and authorities French, German, Spanish and Italian
mismatch of languages
leading to lack of continuity and sec teachers starting again for scratch

Alternative model - new approach
less content more on skills development
diversification French plus another language
surrender value - not just a smattering
developing positive attitudes
lots of oral/aural but writing too
skills - pronunciation, dictionary, phonics, language awarenes
social skills - how to listen, how to talk English to a foreign person, modify your language
strategic competence - how to ask for help

  1. Keep working on the writing and reading the blogs.
  2. Find adjectives for the 6 Simpson family members, in GLOW group. Add to the lists. Remember to use feminine forms for Marge and Lisa and Maggie. Use a dictionary to help you. Remember to crosscheck in the French-English side

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Ecole - school

Chartreux primary school in Marseille
Click on S bottom right of video window to turn on subtitles.
What's different? How do you know it is a French classroom?
Note the reading preferences. The French love their BD - cartoon books like Asterix.

Playground games and equipment

Long school day and long lunch break. Also linger summer holidays.

Lunch menus are published in the local paper and online - fascinating!

Pupils have to provide all their own jotters, folders, pencils, paints, glue etc

Nursery (la maternelle) age 3-6
3 stages les petits, les moyens et les grands
Primary (l'école primaire) age 6 -11 5 years
CM2 equivalent of p7 but pupils are a year younger.
Foreign language lessons, usually English, are given in CM1-2

A feature of French primary education is the
classe de découverte where a whole class decamps to another venue for 1-3 weeks a bit like a school trip but with lessons, could be in a ski resort at the seaside or in the country: classe de neige, classe de mer, classe de nature

Secondary schooling 11-16 compulsory, up to 18
le sixième equivalent to first year but pupils are a year younger.
le cinquième
le quatrième
le troisième leads to le Brevet
leads to the Baccalauréat and higher education

more detailed information in English here

Film clip from être et avoir about a one teacher country primary school in 2002

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

La description physique


I've recorded an audio file to go with this presentation. Listen to it on the posterous blog .

Description Physique
View more presentations from alejandraprofe.

More on colours here

Pupils write about themselves We'll do some work with this next Wednesday.

Younger pupils - match description to photo Nice idea.

The Mug of Misery
to increase student motivation and participation

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Wed 9 Feb

Intro Kathryn - je t'en remercie!

Talkie Walkie activity (see post from last week)

Writing - last sentence suggestions

Support for writing: desk mats. Idea from Links into languages
French Mat Reverse
French Mat Front


Your Posters

Reading to appreciate other cultures
I work on my own and with others to read and discuss simple texts in the language I am learning. I can share simple facts about features of life in some of the countries where the language I am learning is spoken.
MLAN 2-09a

I can choose and can read, on my own and with others, a variety of straightforward texts of different types, including non-fiction, short imaginative accounts, prose and poetry, which may have been adapted.
MLAN 2-10a

Vocab presentation from Jennifer. Je t'en remercie.

More on vocab presentation from Clare Seccombe

Pronunciation handouts - list and nasals

Using a bilingual dictionary - handout
Knowledge about Language
I can understand how a bilingual dictionary works and use it with support.
MLAN 2-11a

Mini books (see post from 2 Feb)

Resource Le Kiosque des écoliers lovely colourful, downloadable magazine for French for young children. Free!

If time: Adjectives - agree with the noun they qualify in gender and number


Monday, 7 February 2011

Poster presentation idea

Keep it simple!
Use a French search engine eg to find info in French

Voici - here is
… se trouve … is situated
il y a un/une - there is a
il y a des …s there are
le climat: il fait beau - use weather phrases
la capitale de … est
le drapeau - the flag
les langues - on parle français, anglais et bichelamar Comment dire "bonjour" en bichelamar?
l'argent - le vatu
le paysage: il y a des volcans
l'économie: la pêche, l'agriculture, le tourisme

Friday, 4 February 2011

la Saint Valentin

poème d'amour

Le quatorze février, c est la Saint Valentin, la fête des amoureux. Pour fêter ce jour on pourrait composer des poèmes d'amour selon cette rubrique -

Sans toi, je suis un jardin sans fleurs

Sans toi, je suis un lac sans eau

sans = without and it can be followed by a noun with no article eg sans fleurs
you could put comme = like after je suis but I think it sounds better without!

A vous maintenant - postez vos vers en cliquant sur Comments (Your turn add your lines to Comments)

plus d'infos sur cette fête ici

Joyeuse Saint Valentin! - happy Valentine's day
je t'aime! - I love you!

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Sentence starters, links, close

To avoid starting every sentence with je here are some suggestions.

Use Moi, je bit more emphatic especially if comparing.
Eg Mon mari aime le cinéma mais moi, je préfère le théâtre.

To introduce a new topic: Quant à +noun As for
eg Quant à ma famille, j'ai un frère …
Quant à mes loisirs, je fais du sport

Ce que
Ce que j'aime le plus - What I like most
Ce que je déteste, c'est le poisson What I hate is

Favourites - the adjective préféré(e)(s) has 3 acute accents compared to verb je préfère
Ma couleur préférée est le violet.
Mon chanteur préféré est Biffy Clyro
Mon passe-temps préféré est la lecture.
Mes pays préférés sont la France et la Grèce.

Time phrases
De temps en temps - From time to time
Parfois - Sometimes
Souvent - Often
Le weekend - At the weekend
Pendant les vacances - During the holidays
Le samedi - on Saturdays

mais - but
cependant - however

qui +verb who or which
j'ai un fils qui s'appelle Scott
j'ai un frère qui habite à New York
j'habite un village qui se trouve à 35km de Glasgow

Finish off with
Et voilà, c'est ma vie.
Et voilà, c'est tout sur moi.
Et voilà, c'est moi.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Anti racism song

With Fiona's class in mind!

Ton Christ est juif
Ta voiture est japonaise
Ton couscous est algérien
Ta démocratie est grecque
Ton café est brésilien
Ton chianti est italien

Et tu reproches à ton voisin d'être un étranger

Ta montre est suisse
Ta chemise est indienne
Ta radio est coréenne
Tes vacances sont tunisiennes
Tes chiffres sont arabes
Ton écriture est latine

Et tu reproches à ton voisin d'être étranger

Tes figues sont turques
Tes bananes viennent du Cameroun
Ton saumon vient de Norvège
Ton Tchantchès vient de Liège
Uilenspiegel vient de Damme
Du Zaïre vient ton tam-tam

Et tu reproches à ton voisin d'être un étranger

Tes citrons viennent du Maroc
Tes litchis de Madagascar
Tes piments du Sénégal
Tes mangues viennent du Bangui
Tes noix d'coco d'Côte d'Ivoire
Tes ananas d'Californie

Et tu reproches à ton voisin d'être un étranger

Ta vodka vient de Russie
Ta bière de Rhénanie
Tes oranges d'Australie
Tes dattes de Tunisie
Ton Gulf-Stream vient des Antilles
Tes pommes de Poméranie

Et tu reproches à ton voisin d'être un étranger

Ton djembe vient de Douala
Ton gingembre vient d'Ouganda
Ton boubou vient d'Tombouctou
Tes avocats du Nigéria
Tes asperges viennent du Chili
Ton ginseng vient d'chez Li Peng

Et tu reproches à ton voisin d'être un étranger

Ton Christ est Juif
Uploaded by rdzg. - Explore more music videos.

Wed 2 February

La le Song by the Lovers

Intro Caroline. Merci.
I take an active part in daily routines, responding to instructions which are accompanied by gesture and expression.
MLAN 2-01b
More routine re lunch
Qui mange à la cantine aujourd'hui? Levez la main. Un, deux, etc
Qui va à la maison?
Qui a des sandwichs?

Raps , and rhymes from last week

H/W writing

Mary - presentation of vocabulary "Saint Valentin" Merci.

Look at Edpax Primary French

Note new posts on pronunciation on
nasal IN
H silent H and aspirate H
E acute and E grave
I explore comparisons and connections between sound patterns in different languages through play, discussion and experimentation.
MLAN 2-07a

Hand out: Lists of sounds -to do

Cultural - la Francophonie
  1. Countries in general see coursework pp9-10
  2. Worksheet and map. There is an interactive version of this with drag and drop macros PC only on GLOW
  3. dustbin game on line
  4. Talkie-walkie activity - still to do
I can participate in familiar collaborative activities including games, paired speaking and short role plays.
MLAN 2-05b

presentationon minibooks by Clare Seccombe
folding instructions
suggestions for use:
pupils could each make a book for a different letter - alphabet, a comme avion using dictionary
likes and dislikes
hungry caterpillar type story for 7 days of the week.
I have opportunities to express myself in writing, exploring and experimenting with words and phrases using resources, to ensure my writing makes sense.
MLAN 2-13a
I can understand how a bilingual dictionary works and use it with support.
MLAN 2-11a

1 email me a draft of your personal writing 150-200 words by Tuesday evening, if you haven't already had work corrected

2 find out about a French speaking country in English and French, make a poster or ppt with some French on it
I have worked with others, using a variety of media including ICT where appropriate, and can contribute successfully to a presentation in English, supported by use of the language I am learning, on an aspect of life in a country where the language I am learning is spoken.
MLAN 2-06b

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

La Francophonie

francophone means French-speaking, les pays francophones means countries where French is spoken, la Francophonie is the noun

200 million people speak French all over the world
For a map from the francophone organisation click here

France is divided into regions eg la Bretagne, Brittany and la Provence. Regions are divided into départements and départements into cantons.

France has départements in the Caribbean and the Pacific. They are referred to as DOM-TOM short for Les Départements et Territoires d'Outre-Mer or France d'Outre-Mer.

As well as that there are former French colonies in Africa.
In Canada in the province of Quebec, French is the first language.

in English
in French

Dustbin game ailleurs = elsewhere

Click here for larger version