Aujourd'hui c'est le

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Wed 15 Feb

Isabel intro and Maureen vocab. Merci à vous deux.

  1. Language Focus - adjectives, description
  2. Background School in France
  3. Intro to essay topics - problems in languages / intercultural aspect (not done due to video refusing to play. Try watching in school or at home)

Handouts - doublesided mat and Mon portrait kids' writing.

1. Adjectives Slideshow from Keynote (and Alessandra's description physique.) see previous post

We highlighted the adjectives in the examples of writing Mon portrait written by French children ( file download ) and read them aloud.
I can use my knowledge about language and pronunciation to ensure that others can understand me when I read aloud or say familiar words, phrases and short texts.
MLAN 2-07b
Vocab from mon portrait
mince - thin
maigre - skinny
coquet (f. -ette)- well turned out, stylish
j'ai des mèches - I have highlights
une houppette - little tuft of hair
je louche - I squint
pas comme les autres - unusual
sauf les épinards - except spinach
je n'aime pas qu'on m'embête - I don't like people annoying me
je rends service - I'm helpful
rigolo (f. -ote) - funny
coquin - mischievous, naughty

writing your own description physique - to be added to writing

2. blogpost and clip from "être et avoir" film

3. Dr Dan Tierney, Strathclyde Uni, on GLOW (we didn't watch this as it wouldn't play but it seems ok)

CPDMeet 21- MLPS, have we got it right? from Con Morris on Vimeo.

Models for MLPS provision:
Encounter model
Language Awareness
Partial Immersion (in Walker Road PS Aberdeen)
Immersion Gaelic medium units
Linguistic competence

positive attitudes
pupil enjoyment
good pronunciation
listening skills - earlier start

gaps in provision - first thing to go
trained teachers move on
pupils arriving at secondary with different experiences
lack of liaison on content coverage - "doing" colours how many, can they spell them?
lack of liaison between secondary and primary colleagues
different languages in different schools and authorities French, German, Spanish and Italian
mismatch of languages
leading to lack of continuity and sec teachers starting again for scratch

Alternative model - new approach
less content more on skills development
diversification French plus another language
surrender value - not just a smattering
developing positive attitudes
lots of oral/aural but writing too
skills - pronunciation, dictionary, phonics, language awarenes
social skills - how to listen, how to talk English to a foreign person, modify your language
strategic competence - how to ask for help

  1. Keep working on the writing and reading the blogs.
  2. Find adjectives for the 6 Simpson family members, in GLOW group. Add to the lists. Remember to use feminine forms for Marge and Lisa and Maggie. Use a dictionary to help you. Remember to crosscheck in the French-English side

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