Aujourd'hui c'est le

Monday, 21 February 2011

Activities for physical appearance -updated

le prof va deviner!
Thanks to Fiona for the fruit presentation and to Sara and Laura for an impromptu joint effort at the register!

1 Who's who/Guess who - online and low tech
2 Mystery person - online reading
3 create an avatar - online
4 build your wildself - online
5 google docs activity - to do online

For hair and eyes
Play "who's who?" (C'est qui?) in Chez Mimi on a whiteboard. Click on the man in the doorway

Low tech version of the same and questions to ask eliciting oui/non answer only
C’est un adulte / un enfant ?
C’est un homme / une femme ?
C’est un garçon / une fille ?
Il/elle a les yeux bleus/marron/gris?
Il /elle a les cheveux blonds/châtains/roux/gris ?
Il /elle a les cheveux longs/ courts/ frisés/ bouclés/ raides ?
Il est chauve ?
Il/elle porte des lunettes ?
Il/elle porte un chapeau / une casquette / une cravate / une écharpe?
Il a une barbe/des moustaches ?
C’est Magali ?
Use counters to cover the characters which are eliminated. Colour print and laminate a class set. Click to download

Mystery person - read the description

Create an avatar Great idea from Joe Dale

or a strange creature

Google Docs to collect and share information
I found out about googledocs ( from primary teacher Tom Barrett. It is a way of collaborating and sharing information.
I created the spreadsheet then created a form in the form menu. You can email the form or embed it on a site which is what I did below. You can share it for collboration or keep it private.

My google form
Here is a variation of the Simpsons Adjectives Activity on GLOW and it was much quicker to set up

Try it now!

Go back to the spreadsheet to see your contribution

More on googledocs from Tom Barrett
interesting ways to use google docs
and Tom's wonderful blog

Download Celebrity photos to describe

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